Saturday, February 22, 2025

2/22/25 Sometimes right Sometimes wrong Always in doubt cc 8/6/18

Sometimes right
Sometimes wrong
Always in doubt

There are few things that I'm really sure of
Gravity, sunrise and rain from above
But much of what we humans create
Is wide open for us to debate
How to heal the sick and what's good to eat
Are almost completely obsolete
Take some pills and eat canned foods
We are fat, unhealthy and in bad moods
Borrow and borrow get deeper in debt
There's no way to know when it will reset

Sometime right
Sometimes wrong
Always in doubt
Bill Bonner

Sunday, February 16, 2025

2/16/25 cc The product Is the Byproduct

The product
Is the

The value in whatever we do 
Is the skill and knowledge that we accrue
Work and strive and slave all day
Pay attention or all you'll get is your pay
New skills and learning are everywhere
Watch your thoughts and stay aware
Time is short and there's a lot to learn
Don't waste any on pretty concern
All our stories end the same
Be kind and grateful forget about fame

The product
Is the

Monday, February 10, 2025

2/10/25 Get a dog cc 12/25/19

Get a dog

Like many things in life 
This higher being
Came to live with us by
Total chance
And the first thing we did
Was to get him mutilated
By our Vet
The plastic funnel around 
His neck
Had no impact on his appetite
Or his joyful greetings
That was over 10 years ago
Every day around 4 AM
He quietly whines in my ear
 About his hunger
He has been a continuous source of
Joy and good humor

Get a dog

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

2/5/25 Become master Of common Things cc 10/11/18

Become master
Of common

My mother always said to chew
Even when she served me stew
Almost 80 years have passed
And I still gulp my food to the very last
Stand up straight and pay attention
I hear her voice from the next dimension
She said young man listen to me
And mostly I would not agree
Chew and listen stand up straight
I have the power to direct my fate

Become master
Of common

Thursday, January 30, 2025

1/30/24 Riding around In a corpse cc 12/29/19

Riding around
In a corpse

"I"often think of it as "my" leg
But it might as well be a wooden peg
It does what "I" tell it for just a short while
"I" hope to give it up with great 
"My" head is full of petty shit
"I" hardly ever use "my" wit
Soon I may know if I'm  more than meat
"My" trip through time will be complete
But until that day
 Joy and gratitude will light my way

Riding around 
In a corpse 

Friday, January 17, 2025

1/17/25 cc 9/26/18 ccPursue excellence Ignore fame

Pursue excellence
Ignore fame

From the high ground of my 85th year
I can see how little there is to fear
It seems that the project of biggest concern
Is figuring out what's important to learn
For me it's been the knowledge and skill
Of how to respond with love and goodwill
And not be closed to others opinions
I'll let kindness and love be my dominions
All we have is a little time running out
Use it wisely and wisdoms seeds may sprout

Pursue excellence
Ignore fame
Rick Hanson

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Greenearth supports local farms and businesses

 Action fire and safety- American Wholesale -Applegate farms 

Andreic Violets-Benjamin Cards-Breezy Meadows- Catskill botanicals 

 Catskill Brewery-Catskill comfrey- Chicory Creek Farm 

Chris's coffee-Clark Farmstead -Cold Springs farm- Dave's lock shop

 Deer Valley honey-Earthly remedies -Eastbrook community farm 

Addison computers-Empire natural foods-Everything bag-Family Farmstead 

Finch's Plumbing-Flying Rabbit Farms- Fojo Beans-Green Albert eggs

Heidelberg bread- Ingalls Farm-Iron strings press- Jessie's bakery 

J&D builders- Logans trucking-Middlefield Orchards-Miss E's farm 

Nectar Hill Farm -Northern Eagle beverages- Oneonta bookkeeping

Painted goat cheese-Place electrical-R Gingevich- Regional Access 

Revolution solar- Russ Smith-Savvy beast- Star route farm

Tina Leentjes- T.S Soaprocks-Upstate Coffee Wyckoffs Florist

Weavers family Farm 

 Try us out many of our prices are competitive with local  chain stores 

Bring this in before February 15 and get a

25% Discount

Greenearth Helth Food market  4 Market St Oneonta

local and organic food since 1991

607 432 6600