Saturday, March 22, 2025

3/22/25 Savor this Incomprehensible Mystery cc 12/31/18

Savor this

Long ago I had big plans
Now all I do is sit on my hands
I studied and pondered for a whole lifespan
And now I still don't understand
How I got here or where I'm going
I'll peacefully except there's no way of knowing
Time passes things change
Sometimes it's quite strange
With gratitude & love I'll except what comes next
I'll keep my inbox empty and not get perplexed

Savor this

Sunday, March 16, 2025

3/16/25 Peaceful persistence Well overcome almost Any resistance10/7/18

Peaceful persistence
Well overcome almost
Any resistance

If for 20 years I studied an hour a day
Today I'd be an expert in meany a way
Save just 10% of all that you earn
And soon you'll have no financial concern
Exercise just a few hours a week
And you will keep your fitness at its peak
Good health is it outcome of many decisions
I'll learn to choose only healthy provisions
Same with staying cool, calm and collected
I'll practice daily until it's perfected

Peaceful persistence
Well overcome almost
Any resistance

Monday, March 10, 2025

3/11/25 Own the Morning rule The day cc 9/23/18

Own the
Morning rule
The day

My whole life through I can grow my being
Learning, discerning and adding real meaning
Study, exercise, meditate and write
As the years pass I may find some light
I'll write out today's plan
As clear I you can
Then number each one in order of importance
It's the best way to inshore real performance
Willpower is good for all kinds of stuff
But habits will make me resilient and tough

Own the
Morning rule
The day

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

3/5/25 Let the Mystery be cc9/1/18

Let the 
Mystery be

I can't know what I don't know
But I always act like I do
Daydreams and silly schemes
Are the soil in which I grew
I can stand way back
And consider the past
Wonder and ponder why
I ever started the task
Hope reigns eternal
Now I have a new plan 
I'll study and write poems
For as long as I can

Let the
Mystery be
Iris DeMent

Thursday, February 27, 2025

2/27/25 Doom is Inevitable Gloom is Optional cc 10/11/18

Doom is
Gloom is

I used to think I had lots of time
To think up at least one great rhyme
It always seem so far away
Next year I'm 87 it could be any day
Plumbing, electric, indoor heat
TV, Internet. plenty to eat
I choose each instant how I react
Joy and gratitude are not abstract
They are creations of my discerning
I will spread goodwill and keep on learning

Doom is
Gloom is
Seth Godin

Saturday, February 22, 2025

2/22/25 Sometimes right Sometimes wrong Always in doubt cc 8/6/18

Sometimes right
Sometimes wrong
Always in doubt

There are few things that I'm really sure of
Gravity, sunrise and rain from above
But much of what we humans create
Is wide open for us to debate
How to heal the sick and what's good to eat
Are almost completely obsolete
Take some pills and eat canned foods
We are fat, unhealthy and in bad moods
Borrow and borrow get deeper in debt
There's no way to know when it will reset

Sometime right
Sometimes wrong
Always in doubt
Bill Bonner

Sunday, February 16, 2025

2/16/25 cc The product Is the Byproduct

The product
Is the

The value in whatever we do 
Is the skill and knowledge that we accrue
Work and strive and slave all day
Pay attention or all you'll get is your pay
New skills and learning are everywhere
Watch your thoughts and stay aware
Time is short and there's a lot to learn
Don't waste any on pretty concern
All our stories end the same
Be kind and grateful forget about fame

The product
Is the