Thursday, October 18, 2018

Learn 519

  1. Teach 
  2. What you want to
  3. Really learn

  4. A lot of what I have learned is gone
  5. But if I repeat it all day long
  6. There is a chance that I may remember
  7. Like blowing on a glowing ember
  8. And if I'm teaching about how to live
  9. Good health fitness and how to give
  10. Kindness, compassion and making friends
  11. Being truthful and happy until it all ends
  12. It will remind me every day to walk my talk
  13. And not just stand around and gawk

  14. Teach
  15. What you want to
  16. Really learn
  17. 10/18/18/ #519
  18. Watch on youtubr

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