Thursday, September 24, 2020

I'll never give up 9/24 20 cc

I'll never give up
Before I die
I may have a streak of Luck
The wizard of Menlo Park
Tom Edison
He thought of a way to bring light to the night
It took 1,000s of tries before it was right
He found many things that would glow for a while
But nothing that would last for more than a trial
His vision was clear he would have his way
There was something that would turn nite into day
Legend has it it was more than 10,000 he tried
He never gave up he would not be denied
Some say what incredible creativity
I say it looks a lot more like tenacity

I'll never give up
Before I die
I may have a streak of Luck
Tom Edison
9/24/20 day 29,559

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